Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Philanthropy is such a personal human activity and the meaning behind any kind of charitable giving is richest to the one making the gift. Perhaps you, yourself, will think of some other, creative way to contribute that will compound even further the options that are available to potential benefactors.

Volunteering or participating at events, assisting with mailings and fundraisers, or donating services or funds in one or many ways will all help us reach our goals. In advance, THANK YOU for taking part in the mission of the Union R-XI Foundation!

Credit Card

Simply click on the Donate button at the top of the page and follow the steps to complete your donation. You can donate in a number of ways at a variety of levels. Be sure to consider a recurring monthly or annual gift.


Mail a check payable to Union R-XI Foundation to:
Union R-XI Foundation
PO Box 500
Union, MO 63084

Corporate Match

If you have made a donation, then don’t forget to take advantage of your employer's matching gift program and multiply your donation!

Special Requests and Planned Giving

If your financial contribution is a bit more involved than using our DONATE button for a credit/debit card or Paypal donation, please consider contacting us to set up a visit with one of the several financial planners, accountants, attorneys, and other philanthropy experts that are directors or members of the Foundation. Our email and phone number are in the footer at the bottom of this page. Please leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Tribute and memorial gifts in honor of a special person or event, matching grants from an employer, and endowments of scholarships and grants are some examples of the many contributions made by others throughout the history of the Foundation. Consider adding your name to the list of generous donors that have helped us reach our funding goals in this way.

Legacy, or planned, giving is a wonderful and meaningful way to insure one’s impact on Union’s children well into the future. Bequests of cash, securities, real property, other property (e.g. vehicles), and percentages of estates can all be used by the Foundation to enhance the educational experiences of Union students. Life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and charitable trusts may also be gifted in whole or in part to help further Foundation goals and may even have some tax benefits to the grantor. If legacy giving seems like a worthy prospect, please consult your attorney about your ideas and then contact us to help you craft them into an enduring gift that will benefit many generations of our community’s young people.